Friday, May 23, 2008

Still waiting!

Yes, thats right! We're still waiting for baby to decide to make his/her arrival. He/she has been doing a wonderful job of teasing us all! As of yesterday morning, i am dilated 2, 50% effaced and baby's head is -2 in station. Progress is being made, but ever so slowly! I am trying to be a patient mommy, but its starting to get hard! Andy is so excited to meet this little bundle. Its so sweet! I cant wait to see his face when he holds his baby for the first time.
My mom flew down last thursday to be here for baby's arrival. Looks like we all had our timing off, but she's been a great help and its been wonderful having around.
Pregnancy has been a breeze for me thus far and I'm doing my best to keep a positive mindset about birthing. If everything goes as well as the pregnancy has been, then I shouldn't have one problem. Thats what we're hoping and praying for!


Katie and the boys said...

I was 35 weeks with my second completely effaced and 2 cent. I had him three weeks later. I took casteral (Sp) oil and he came that night. :>)

Verla said...

I am as antsy as if you were daughter in having this baby. I check 2-3 times a day to see if he or she has made her appearance. You all are in my thoughts and prayers.

Constance said...

Well, I am so excited. I feel as though I am having the baby. I tooks casteral oil and Madelyn was 3 days late. But then Joshua came a whole month early and I didn't do anything. Good luck. Don't be afraid to have the epiderial. They are wonderful. :)

Telesa's Tales said...

Hey girl!! You will go anytime!! One day/or night you will just notice these funny, tugging feelings.....and things will start rolling from there! If you get to 5 or 6 they could break your water and you would go pretty quickly. My water had to be broke with my 2 and when I went in with Spencer I was already at 8cm. Anyhow! As you can see we are all excited to see this little one as well.hee And sorry Constance:) but i think you can make it without the epidural!! I went cold turkey with both of mine and it was nothing like I thought it would be. of luck and prayers will be with you!!

The Heintzelmans